Author name: twitch


Dealing With Back To School Blues

For much of the southern hemisphere, and here in Singapore, it’s that time of year when our kids are starting a new school year. Going back to school is a time of stress and concern, not just for the children but also their parents. How we deal with the first few days can effect how […]


Should We Tell Children The Truth About Santa

It’s getting close to that time of year again when children are visited by Santa. At least, those who still believe in him are. For the others, maybe they get a visit from him with a nod and the wink of an eye. Or they get the same presents with a card from the person


Helping Children Be Good At Math

I read recently that children with good mathematical skills are more likely to grow up to earn more, stay in school longer and are more employable. It seems logical then that we as good parents should be encouraging our kids to be as good as they can at math. The problem a lot of us


Am I A Bad Parent For Letting My Son Eat Fast Food

This past weekend I was the designated parent to take Jay, my son, to his weekend classes. To help him with his Chinese studies, he attends extra classes. On Saturday, he has a group class with about ten other kids his age. And on Sunday, he has a one-on-one session. Both classes are two hours


Maybe We Should Stop Trying As Parents And Have More Fun

Do you ever have the feeling that the more you try, the less you accomplish? We put so much effort in, only to fail time and time again. Then we just give up and go with it, and what do you know, we’re all having a good time. I’m talking, if you haven’t already worked


5 Ways To Help Your Child Make Friends

It’s difficult watching our little ones grow. Sending them out into the big bad world of school. Hoping they’ll have fun and make friends. Don’t we all want to help our kids make friends like we did at school? Let’s look at some of the things we can do to help them. 1. Trust Them


Should We Push Our Children To Be Perfect

Let’s face it, we all want our kids to be the best they can be. Better than all the rest. Top of the class. Best on the sports team. Outstanding in every way. In other words we want them to be perfect in everything they do. The question is, is it really a good idea


How To Handle A Crying Child

From the moment we bring our baby home from the hospital, there’s crying. At first it’s simply a process of discovering what they need, a change, food, sleep. But over time the reasons our kids cry change and develop. When they cry it may be because they’re sad, angry, scared, anxious or even happy. How


How To Stop A Child From Getting Angry

I’ve talked before about what to do when a child gets angry. How to deal with it and what to say. If you want to check it out, you can find it here. Today though, I wanted to talk about preventing our kids from getting angry. First I’ll show how it works, and then we’ll


Why You Shouldn’t Tell A Child They Can’t Sing

I can’t sing. I can’t dance. And I can’t play a musical instrument. How do I know? Well, since I was young I’ve been told I can’t. So obviously I can’t, right? That seems to be the problem. Since I, and many others are told from young that we can’t sing. Or at least told

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