Author name: twitch


Are We Rewarding Or Bribing Our Children?

As a conscientious parent I’m wondering where the line between rewards and bribes is. When we give something to our children for something they’ve done, does it constitute a reward or a bribe? How do we know the difference? Is it just a matter of perception? Or is there some quantifiable way we can determine […]


11 Things To Say To Your Child Everyday

I was recently sent a video with 9 things to say to your kids everyday. I thought it was a good list so I thought I’d put the list up here, with a couple of additions that I think are just as, if not more, important to say to our children (or at least in


My Son Wants To Be A Scientist

Is it just me or is 7 a bit young to decide what career you want to do when you grow up? Yeah, yeah, I know he’ll change a hundred more times before he leaves school. But then, a lot of us probably do know people who decided young and kept on track to the


My Son’s Addicted to Pokemon Go and it’s Slowly Killing Me

I’m sure everyone’s heard about the new Pokemon Go game that’s so popular right now. You go around in the real world and collect pokemon, gotta catch em all, right? The thing is, when I first heard of the game, I wasn’t really interested in getting it. Sure, the concept sounded good, and it seemed


Helping My Son Learn Chinese

Let’s get this out of the way first. I don’t speak Chinese. I don’t read it. And I don’t write it. But still I help my son, Jay, with his Chinese homework. How? We’ll get to that in a minute. But first some background. Here in Singapore it’s compulsory for children to study their Mother


Can You Play Hide and Seek in a Small Apartment

If you’d asked me a few years ago, whether we could successfully play hide and seek in our home (apartment, unit, whatever you want to call it), I would’ve probably laughed and said “No way”. Why? Well, let’s see. We live in a small 3 bedroom place. Three bedrooms, lounge/TV room, and kitchen. And that’s


What Should We Do About Overweight Children

The topic of overweight children and in particular obesity, recently came up when my son, Jay, came home and told us that one of his classmates is only as couple of kilograms lighter than me. Now to put this in perspective, I’m an average height adult male (just under 6 feet tall) and at the


What to do with a Stuttering Child

I’ve been told that around 5% of children will develop a stutter that lasts more than 6 months. This is what happened to my son, Jay. To be completely frank, I’ll admit that I don’t recall when he started to stutter, but I can tell you that by the end of his first year of


My Son Pranked Me – Twice

I’m sure that in this day and age we’ve all seen, or at least heard about, the prank videos on YouTube. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that Jay decided to prank me, his father and best friend. Before we get to the pranks though I just want to point out that I haven’t let


Funny Things Kids Do – H goes D’oh

Recently SO (my wife) and I were talking about her nieces and nephews (she has 10 of them) and I was reminded of an incident that occurred shortly after we moved to Jakarta. For a little background, SO and I met and got married in Australia while she was studying there, and then moved to

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