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Jay’s Ongoing Weight Situation

I’ve written before about Jay’s weight, and how he’s been required to go for regular checks with a nutritionist here. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I’ll give you a minute to go and read it.

Okay, finished with that? Cool.

Anyway, he had another appointment last week, and as a responsible parent I felt it was my duty to take him. Well, that’s my story. My wife, SO, seems to think I only took him because she was busy and told me to take him. You can make up your own mind, and decide I’m right.

So, I did really take him, and it was about the same as his previous visits. They measured his height and weight, and both had gone up. Which wasn’t supposed to happen, he was suppose to stay the same weight as he grew taller. Well, we did it half right, he grew. Unfortunately it was up as well as sideways.

You can guess what they said. Basically the same thing, make sure he maintains his weight as he grows and soon he’ll be the right weight for his height. And this time we’ll hopefully be able to manage it.

In fact, it seems Jay has matured enough in the last 6 months that he’s taking it more seriously than the last few visits. He’s paying more attention to what he’s eating, and how much. He was told to eat more vegetables, and less meat and rice/pasta, and for the last few days it seems to be he is.

The other major thing he was told to do, is to exercise more often. And whilst he hasn’t managed to do anything more after he gets home from school, we did go bowling and swimming on Saturday night, which we haven’t done in ages.

It was actually a lot of fun, and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. Not that we do much serious swimming, just a few short bursts and fooling around having fun. But I think even that will have an effect if we continue to do it regularly. And with Jay being motivated to do it, we should be able to get back into a rhythm like we used to, where we would go 2 or 3 times a month.

I think the next step will be to get back into cycling as well, since we haven’t been doing that regularly lately either. Maybe next weekend will be a good time to get out again. And hopefully he’ll find the urge to do something more during the week, even if it’s just a walk around the neighbourhood. I just have to get into the mindset of encouraging him more and pushing him to get out and about. Something I have to work on to, since I tend to be a home body, and prefer to just relax around home rather than go out and do things.

Whatever happens, hopefully Jay will keep this up, and we’ll all be able to benefit from doing more physical activities together.

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